Here you can find discography information, lyrics, and free music downloads! Keep checking back to this space, because this is where the fun is...

Download the Dave amd Mike Trio's New Single!

Not What I Had Planned (lyrics)
Best Friend (lyrics)
Let's Go (lyrics)
Waiting For Spring (lyrics)

Listen to a bit of history! Below you can download songs from previous releases by the Dave and Mike Trio.

Dave and Mike Trio - World Atlas (1996)

  1. To Fit Your Style
  2. Native Land
  3. Living...
  4. 976
  5. Martin Guerre
  6. Here Is Me
  7. Sunday Night In May
  8. My Bike
  9. Dead Mind
  10. Raleigh
  11. Saumner, Mississippi
  12. Giving My Life Back
  13. Ginkos Pastrami
  14. The Conceited Man

Crosseyed - IOWA: Where Corn Is King (1994)

  1. You'll Mever Miss The Water
  2. Trevor's Confidence
  3. A Minor
  4. Shaaron The Streetmopper
  5. Can You Help Me
  6. Friends With Elvis
  7. Vancouver
  8. My Fingers Sore
  9. Ice Cream (Vanilla)
  10. London
  11. Society Page
  12. No Rooms For Emily
  13. The Court Under Marshall
  14. Grecian in the Garden

Solo Projects

The Wandering Minstrel - The Center of a Tension (1998) (Mike solo)

  1. Soul Racing
  2. Rant
  3. Bowling Ball
  4. Land of Green
  5. Dead Mind
  6. Empty Portrait
  7. The Siren
  8. Night
© 2005 Dave and Mike Trio, Ltd. Email us at Thanks for stopping by.