Vassar Duo Explores the Past

By Ben Knowles, Staff Writer

Fans of Simon and Garfunkel, the Beatles, and classic 60s music in general will be happy to find a taste of the genre right here on campus in the guise of two musicians named Mike Pumphrey '99 and Dave Ley '98. They call themselves the "Dave and Mike Trio" (that's right, there's only two of them), and the music they produce is nothing less than great, original, classic, acoustic folk/rock, complete with those wacky things called melodies and harmonies that once made rock and roll great. Mike's and Dave's music presents listeners with an appreciated departure from the garage grunge sound that seems to dominate college-aged bands of today, while maintaining all of the energy and passion associated with the music of our generation.

Now all that may sound a little vague, but I'm positive that after a listen or two, most people would be convinced that there is some talent at work here. Perhaps I should try to be a bit more specific in describing the music. Dave writes, plays guitar, plays keyboards, and sings. Dave's songs tend toward the simpler melodies and chord structures reminiscent of early Beatles. Mike's songs are usually a little bit more complex musically, with structure changes that sometimes drive his bandmate crazy. I'm sure that countless Lennon-McCartney analogies could be drawn from the differences in writing styles, some of which may even be warranted, but I'm sure these are nothing more than mere coincidences. Then again, Dave is two years older than Mike (the same age difference between John and Paul…)

It is generally agreed upon by both members of the Trio that their primary musical influences have been the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, REM, and maybe even an occasional smattering of Crosby, Stills, and Nash or Pink Floyd. This may be the case, but to my ears a definite resemblance to the Indigo Girls can be found in the precise harmonies and thick but gentles rhythm guitar sound of the band. Two voices and two guitars may seem a little sparse for a band that emulates the legends of Yesterday (sorry about the pun) but these guys know how to make it work, and at times, rock.

So, if you're interested in checking these two Philly boys out sometime, your first chance was… well, I guess you missed your first chance – they performed last Thursday during "Step Beyond Night" in the Café. They also made an appearance on WVKR on Wednesday, September 20. But not to worry, they will be back, and hopefully will be performing at fairly regular intervals either in the Café, or at some other convenient campus location.

Also available for public consumption is the Dave and Mike Trio CD, "IOWA – Where Corn Is King," available from the guys for the measly price of only five dollars. With 21 songs, that comes to a grand total of just under 24 cents a song. Call Dave at x2379 or Mike at x3150 to reserve yourself a copy. Or, if you would like a taste of the Trio's style without all the pain of commitment, check out Jason Sheridan's radio show "Dinner Theater" on WVKR – Mike and Dave wrote the theme song.

The Dave and Mike Trio is a classic acoustic folk/rock band. They write their own stuff, they play to live audiences, and they sometimes even record albums, just like all the great rock bands of antiquity. Sure, they'll do an occasional cover or two – be sure to request Don McLain's "American Pie" if you get the chance – but they're mainly just a couple of guys who like to write and play music. So go ahead, buy the CD, wear the tee-shirts, become one with the band. There will be penalties for dissenters.